Welcome to Art Mosaic Lamp!

Step into a world illuminated by the magical dance of light, welcoming you to your homes, workplaces, or any space you inhabit! At Art Mosaic Lamp, we open the doors to a realm brimming with creativity and the artistry of light.

Drawing inspiration from the rich tapestry of Istanbul’s history and culture, we meticulously design and craft each of our products with utmost care and passion. Our mosaic lamp collection is curated with a careful balance between traditional craftsmanship and modern aesthetics, using handpicked materials.

Each of our lamps boasts extraordinary craftsmanship, adorned with colorful glass pieces intricately crafted and embellished with various patterns on metal frames. Our unique designs infuse character and vibrancy into every room they grace.

Join us in exploring this exceptional journey of light, spreading across the corners of the globe. We are here to fill your homes, offices, and living spaces with art and illumination.

We are delighted to share our light with you.

We are happy to produce custom mosaic lamps in design and color for cafes, restaurants, hotels and homes.

Huge Sale

Summer 2023

All for Men!

Men's business

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